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5:04 pm
Wheat City Nuit Blanche SUNSET EDITION

The Wheat City Nuit Blanche returns for the first time since 2019! Live artists and performers will fill the hallways, stairwells and studios of the Art Gallery for an evening of interactive and unique creative projects. Performances will run continuously throughout the evening, so the audience is invited to stop by anytime throughout the event […]
Find out more »7:00 pm
Bobcats Volleyball
Women's Game Start: 7:00 pm.
Find out more »7:30 pm
📽 Mr. Dressup: The Magic of Make-Believe
Kindness, creativity, inclusivity, and a touch of magic makes the world a brighter place. Explore the story and impact of Canadian entertainer Ernie Coombs and his iconic series, Mr. Dressup, which enriched the lives of five generations.
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