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10:30 am
Gerry Friesen Book Launch
Join the Centre for Critical Studies of Rural Mental Health for coffee and conversation with Gerry Friesen. This event is a launch for Friesen's new book, The Recovering Farmer.
Find out more »5:30 pm
Pride Week: Storytime and Supportive Parenting Workshop with SERC
Held in the John E. Robbins Library Gathering Space and Convergys Lab 2STLGBQ+ Supportive Parenting Workshop The Sexuality Education Resource Centre (SERC) staff invite parents and caregivers to learn more about supporting the 2STLGBQ+ youth in their lives and want to be more informed! Topics covered in the workshop will include: language, terminology, how to […]
Find out more »6:00 pm
Pride Week: Guitar Art exhibition, with Wendy Friesen
Join artist Wendy Friesen for a talk and tour of her 'Guitars' exhibition on display in the Curve Gallery, upstairs in the John E. Robbins Library at Brandon University. Friesen’s Guitars is a pop art exhibit representing themes of rock and roll, healing, community, inclusivity, and Pride. This series brings together miniature guitars, both replicas and original […]
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