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4:00 pm
Clear Lake Chamber Music Festival, Concert No. 2, Young Artists Initiation
Clear Lake Chamber Music Festival presents Concert No. 2, Young Artists Initiation featuring pianists: Vivian Yin, Sophia Ye, Joy ZhangSun, Zhuo Song Concert Location: Erickson Lutheran Church, 30-3rd Street SW, Erickson, Manitoba Ticket Price: $20 Adults and $15 for Students/Seniors For more information please call 204-571-6547 or email: burba@brandonu.ca
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BU Chorale Concert with Guests
Please join us for an evening of superb music with our BU Chorale group under the direction of Dr. Andrée Dagenais & Guests. Location: St. Matthew’s Cathedral Tickets $10 and available at the door (children under 12 no charge)
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