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Glen Lea Golf Course

Site 500 - Lori Road
Brandon, MB R7A 5Y5
204-728-9090 www.glenleagolf.ca/
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June 2019

⛳ 6th Annual Brandon University Golf Tournament

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019 @ 1:00 pm
Glen Lea Golf Course
  • $

This internal event is open to Brandon University faculty, staff, alumni, and students only, and is not open to the general public. FORE!! You are invited to come and spend your afternoon with the Brandon University community on Wednesday, June 26th for the 6th Annual BU Golf Tournament at the beautiful Glen Lea Golf Course! Open to students, faculty, staff, and alumni of all levels of experience. Registration forms available in Health Studies, President's Office, and Office of International Activities.…

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